Aïda Muluneh is a photographer. She was born in Ethiopia in 1974 and left the country when she was very young. In her childhood she traveled between Yemen and England and in 1985, she settled in Canada. After her college graduation in 2000, she worked for the Washington Post as a photojournalist. Her work has been shown in a variety of countries in North America, Africa and Europe and is on permanent display in a number of museums. She has also won many awards and is one of the leading experts on photography from Africa. In addition, she also founded and directs the Addis Foto Festival which was the first international photography festival in East Africa.
I was searching up different contemporary artists from Africa when I saw her collection called "The Wolf You Feed". The photos in this collection were striking and I love the story behind her work.
"The Wolf You Feed/ Part One" - 2014
After exploring her website I can see she has a very specific style and likes to address and ask questions about existential struggles through abstract photography. I love her use of contrasting colors, especially in her "The World is 9" collection. The photo to the right is from this collection and I think it is probably my favorite.
"Conversation" - 2016
I will put the link to her website below, where you can see all of her work.