Cecilia's Art Portfolio
Started: September 30, 2020
The most common theme in my works is the emphasis on color, texture and contrast. My subject matter is constantly changing and evolving based on what catches my interest. As such, the individual works don’t have an inherent meaning though they do serve a purpose: whether it’s to work on correcting a past mistake, exploring a new media or style, or learning how to render a different subject.
I bounce between different methods and styles of painting in order to keep my work relevant to my life and to allow it to metamorphosize as I do. One consistency between all my pieces, though, is their spontaneity and process: I never go into a painting knowing what the end result will look like, allowing me to change paths according to my inclinations. As for my process, I do not often clean or change brushes throughout a painting and I always try to use up all of the paints or other materials I have allotted for the piece - often leading me to paths I wouldn’t have previously walked.
Despite the erratic nature of my process and body of work, there is a distinct style and arrangement to everything- my pieces are often dense kaleidoscopes of values, patterns, realism and abstraction. I enjoy mixing my technical skills with my creativity and imagination, often resulting in pieces that are an amalgamation of nonsensical or discordant elements, with the commonalities between my work pulling them all together.